Way of Life - A Young Man's Experiment


The sun was setting on a quiet evening in the small town of Ashford. It was a peaceful end to a day of work and study for young Charles, who was just sixteen years old. Charles had been having a difficult time since his father's sudden demise a year before. His father had been a hardworking and brilliant man, and his death had left Charles feeling lost and alone.

To cope with the grief and stress of his father's death, Charles had decided to follow the day-night cycle. He would wake up early in the morning and then go to bed at night, just like anyone else. He was committed to this routine, and soon the townspeople started to notice the change in the young man.

At first, the townspeople were a bit perplexed. After all, in this town, staying up late and sleeping in was the norm. Soon, however, they began to admire Charles for his dedication to the day-night cycle. He was an inspiration to the townspeople, who began to follow his example.

Charles was also doing his part to reduce air pollution and conserve energy resources by following the day-night cycle. He was doing his part to make the world a better place while still dealing with his own personal grief.

As time went on, the townspeople began to take notice of Charles and his dedication to the day-night cycle. They began to ask questions and express their admiration for him. Some even began to show him respect and ask him for advice.

When people asked Charles why he was following the day-night cycle, Charles would simply respond with a gentle smile and say, “I am honoring my father and preserving the world around me.”

The townspeople were in awe of Charles and his commitment to the day-night cycle. He was a shining example of what it meant to be selfless and to put others before oneself. Charles's dedication to the day-night cycle was a beacon of hope for the townspeople.

Charles had found a way to honor his father and, in doing so, he had also given the townspeople a new way to think about their own lives. He had shown them that it was possible to be more conscious of the environment and to make a difference in the world. The townspeople were in awe of Charles and his commitment to the day-night cycle. He was an inspiration to them all.

I will be discussing more about the sleeping techniques in my upcoming book "the eighth wonder".

Stay Tuned. 

#saveenergy #reducepollution #pollutioncontrol #productivity #nostress #stressfreelife #daynightcycle #mission #sleepearly #imsaraschandra #theeighthwonder


  1. Good sleep leads to postive vibes.... !! Appreciate your efforts in each line

    1. Thank you. Join the Movement by following me on Social Media.


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